Bear with me

Long story short - I was a week late getting the email to remind me to pay the web hosting. Clearly, I don't check email very often. #oops #bloggerfail Which means I lost everything. I called everyone I could think of. Nobody could help with recovering any of it. I tried to re-up my .com…

Peek a Boo

I know, I know. It’s been a year since I’ve posted anything. Yes, we are alive and kickin still! Chuggin along slowly doing this homestead thing. Long story short, it was one hell of a year but by His Grace, we made it! Remember how things were beginning to spiral last year… well it all…

Visit from an old friend

I love this lady! Seriously! You know when they say that God puts the perfect people in your path at the perfect time, even if only for a season. This family is one of those. It’s because of her I was able to learn more about natural health and how what we eat truly affects…

The Bestest Menu Board Idea Eva

wpid-20141011_093715_pc_wm.jpg I’ve seen this idea floating on Pinterest for a few months now and finally just sat down and did it. I am sooo glad I did! I loved the one over at The Creative Mama so that’s the one I tweaked to fit us. wpid-20141011_093032_pc_wm.jpg Probably the most obvious is the addition of a…

7 Quick Takes – 10/10/2014

#7QT ~1~ Can we just call this the Month of Fried Equipment? A month ago the alternator and both batteries fried. Friday the water pump in the same vehicle went out. Saturday the charge controller melted. Melted yall. wpid-20141011_090811_pc_wm.jpg Now I dont claim to understand the whys or how solar works but I do know…

Quiet Times and Kitchens

Remember last week when I said “that’s it, I’m getting quiet time so I can you know. do things and hopefully not become a total crazy mom by days end”? Well I am happy to report that yes, I did get quiet time. Every day last week. Score! And I was productive during Quiet Time!…

7 QT – 9/26/14

7 Quick Takes ~1~ Grab your tea, let me tell you an amazing story that is still being written. Every year, our family church puts on a Women's event. All the campuses come together, its huge with thousands of women, the ManCrew (you know, our husbands!) do everything and serve and facilitate this massive event…