Building Faith

When we started this journey, it was a jump moment.  Jump… and trust the Lord to hold on to us during the free fall.  I heard it over and over when we started out “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even…

That unavoidable question

Life groups started up again.  Coming with it the inevitable Intro Moment that I dread.  I always hate that.  What do I say?  Let’s be honest, to say that our lives revolve around living in, while building, a tiny off grid house makes people react in strange ways.  If I leave it out, it feels…

7 Quick Takes – 7/19/2013

Up this week: More thoughts on this off grid situation.  It’s a lot more than I think most people realize.  Or at least it was for me! - 1 -Yea, I know.  I haven't written much the last few weeks.  No, we haven't been doing anything spectacular like backpacking across Europe.  Nor hiking the Appalachians.  Yet,…

We got this solar thing… I think

I would be lying if I said I was happy about the power verdict.  If I am really honest, I am currently not all that thrilled with the Lord’s "It's for your good".  It was much easier to be positive about it last week.  You know, when we had a freak cold front move through…

Power Plight

And here’s the long version to our recent power plight.  The electric man came out last Friday.  All was a go.  With the land being “heavily wooded” they would cut the trees – for free!  Furthermore, since there are so many trees, it might have been cheaper to go underground.  Also, for free.  But it…

Reflecting on the First Year

A whole year yall!  What a milestone – what a journey! I added a brief One Year Update overview on the "About Us" page.  This is probably part one of a more reflective look at the last year.I, for one, am amazed we have made it this far given the rollercoasterness (yea, I just totally made…

Hold every thought captive

This pregnancy has been unlike any other.  Besides the obvious - moving states again, camping for months, DIY'ing a house, job losses.It is the first time I have been ready to be done being pregnant - like since halfway.  I embrace being pregnant usually.  Yes, heartburn and all!  It's amazing, it's exciting, it lasts such a short time…

Trials to strengthen

Oh my word!  How the time has gone by so fast!!We've already been back over a week.  Think we finally got things readjusted and reset for life.Had the "37 week final preparations" meeting with our midwife.  Now it all seems... real... and close... and real close!  Only 4 weeks, give or take a week, and new…


I love when God talks to you in unexpected ways!!  After spending 3 hours discussing and researching building foundations, we decided to be done with it.  We still have 2 days left with the bobcat, we can clear and level more and deal with the foundation Wednesday or Thursday after it goes back.  Heading out to the…