7 Quick Takes – 6-21-14

#7QT - Up this week: Summer, ice cream cones, refrigerators, box store workers, husband awesomeness, canned ground beef and exciting news for Bou! -1- It's finally officially summer. I think. With all this crazy flopping back and forth and freeze snaps in May I wasn't sure it would come. And if it did I was…


Here's a riddle for you.  What does a generator, diet coke, cast iron skillets and electrical wires have in common.  It's not what you think.  Let me tell you. Another big ole huge leap recently has been a new generator!  Wha wha!  Yea, it kinda feels like winning the lottery.  Or at least what I…

How to Survive Winter

Also titled “How to attempt to not lose your mind in a 600 square foot off grid house with 6 children”  Winter is hard for mama’s everywhere.  Well except for yall down there in Florida or SoCal who apparently chose to not participate.  Most of the country can’t talk to yall right now.  Call us…

7QT – 1/31/2014

1Yall, the first month is over!?  Already?!  Is it just me or do the days seem long but time so short?  Not much on the Goal List was accomplished this month sadly.  Being laid up for a week with a kidney infection during beautiful weather was an epic waste of time.  And with yet another…

Our Simple Christmas

How do you downsize to a tiny Christmas easily?  Well for us, I’m going to put it bluntly.  Have a really crappy “God saved it” kind of Christmas.  By “really crappy” I mean “no presents what so ever, bills stacked up, no money to get butter to go with our bread, beans and rice and…

Ice Ice Baby

 We did it!  We made it through our first off grid ice storm rather smashingly!  Even given the curves Murphy tried to throw at us.  First off, thank God the heater started working again.  Not sure what happened, why it suddenly acted up or why it suddenly started again.  We are exchanging it regardless when…

Meal Planning

I had this wonderful post planned for today for the sun oven… however I didn’t get the revamp finished and then had a slight glitch… I broke the glass.  Oops.  Now Mr. isn’t alone in making this an expensive DIY solar oven!Instead, let’s talk about meals!  This has been a pain for me to figure…