New Beginings

After a long break, I am back to blogging. Boy does it feel good to be writing again! The last few years have been quite a whirlwind. A lot of personal growth has and continues to occur, and even more learning. When it all first started to explode (or implode depending on your perception), I…

7 Quick Takes – 6/6/2014

--- 1 --- I feel like it has been foreva! Ok because it has been.  We have been busy working on the house. Which basically translates into utter chaos from sun up to sun down... and a mama that crashes at night instead of doing anything that involves processing thoughts.  Sometimes mama has even crashed…

7 Quick Takes – 5/2/2014

Up this week: PDS tornado watches, another er trip, homemade cloud dough, Easter, a capella performance, a new cat.   -1- I started this last Thursday. And then tried to finish it while we sit in hiding during a PDS Tornado Watch (Particularly Dangerous Situation Tornado Watch meaning they expected large, long track tornadoes).  There…

Crater of Diamonds State Park

What a day this was!  3 families - 10 children (6 were ours and 2 of theirs were missing) plus a field of dirt, mud and the possibility of diamonds!   This was one of the rare moments she let me put her down.  Lots of people, unsteady ground, I can see how it was intimidating.…


Here's a riddle for you.  What does a generator, diet coke, cast iron skillets and electrical wires have in common.  It's not what you think.  Let me tell you. Another big ole huge leap recently has been a new generator!  Wha wha!  Yea, it kinda feels like winning the lottery.  Or at least what I…

7 Quick Takes – 2/21/2014

--- 1 --- So some crazy woman decided it would be fun to join in on Jen's 7 Posts for 7 Days next week. Because amnesia sets in when the children are nestled quietly in their beds after (another) long day and it sounds like a great idea at 10 pm to jump back in…

How to Survive Winter

Also titled “How to attempt to not lose your mind in a 600 square foot off grid house with 6 children”  Winter is hard for mama’s everywhere.  Well except for yall down there in Florida or SoCal who apparently chose to not participate.  Most of the country can’t talk to yall right now.  Call us…

Driveway… again…

Remember this from the spring.  Oh yea, then this.Yea, forget all of that.  I was going to post pictures, but this:Just doesn't do it justice like this:Yea.  That. Over 5" of rain in 24 hours...  Good thing - our previous fixes did work, just temporarily.  It's back to the drawing board we go.

Our Simple Christmas

How do you downsize to a tiny Christmas easily?  Well for us, I’m going to put it bluntly.  Have a really crappy “God saved it” kind of Christmas.  By “really crappy” I mean “no presents what so ever, bills stacked up, no money to get butter to go with our bread, beans and rice and…